I can't believe how fast 2008 went by. It was a great year...I just want to say thank you to all of my clients over the past year. I look forward to 2009 :)
Yes, I am one of those who sets "new year's resolutions"...so, here they are (I can't believe I am telling the world what they are, YIKES :)
1. I joined weight watchers with my best friend Amy, yesterday. Yep, we already went to one meeting :) It's awesome! ? !
2. I would like to work a little less this year so that I can spend more quality time with my family. After the last 3 months, I really miss them... My kids are such a wonderful gift to me...the best gift I have ever been given.
3. I would like to be more dedicated and make it a priority above all else to have a daily devotional time. It amazes me that when I spend even just a little time every morning in the word, of how much better my day goes! I truly owe everything to him...I am so grateful for his grace!
My friend Crissy just let me borrow her studio lights...so, I played around with it today (in my almost-newly finished basement :). This seriously is the 1st time I have even touched a studio light. So, in the eyes of someone who knows studio lights, there is probably a ton wrong with them. These were taken with 1 light setup, with no metering, no custom wb and no reflector (all of which I would like to use in the future with studio lights). I am so excited to be using these...especially since my baby B is growing so fast - it is way to cold to be trying to capture pics of him using natural light outdoors. Thank you Crissy for letting me use these! I appreciate it so much!!! I also wanted to use my new orange chair. I cannot wait to use this in the summer, in the middle of a field of grass! Isn't it FABULOUS! I love props like these :)
I am going out of town next week for a photography workshop. One of the things I will be learning is studio lighting. I am really looking forward to it!
Oh! And I almost forgot! The winner for last month was lucky #2 post on December 24th - Dayna Stevens won a $50 print credit. Wahoo! I will post info for January's prize tomorrow...gotta go make a smoothie for my daughter :) Have a great night!